Friday, May 14, 2010

Lebron James.

First things first, as Marty Brennaman would say, "How about them Reds?!" They swept the Pirates, scratch that, they made the Pirates looks like a little league team. They've won five games in a row and have won 12 out of their last 16 games. Half a game out of first place, behind the St. Louis Cardinals..oh look who is in town for a three game series this weekends, the Cards. The Cincinnati Reds are playing exceptional ball right now, something I haven't seen in awhile. I know there are a lot of games left to be played but it'd be really nice to take two out of three from the Cardinals and take over first place.

I played basketball two days in a row now with no pain. I'm back.

So who deserves more credit? The choke job of the Cavs, or the execution of the veteran Celtics? I'm going to go with the spectacular play of the Celtics. No one was giving them a shot before the series. This is Lebron's year, the Celtics are too old, Shaq is the real difference..blah blah blah. I've never really been a fan of any Celtics player. Pierce is a drama queen, Garnett is just a jerk. But man, Rajon Rondo is growing on me. How can you not like the guy? Yeah he did go to Kentucky for college, and I guess a lot of Cavalier fans probably aren't to fond of him but the kid has some game. NBA, where amazing happens.

Lebron James. Hmmm, where to start? I'm going to start out with by ENDING the discusion of Lebron being on Kobe's level. Yeah he's only 25, yeah he has won back to back MVP's but man, Kobe never would have let this happened. LBJ shot 18 of 53 in the last three games of the series, which they lost. That's 33%, also he had 18 turnovers. Wait, what? Same amount of turnovers as field goals made.

All you people who want to rip me right now because I'm putting 'The Chosen One' (ha)..stop. This is where I give the man some credit. He's a beast. Bright future ahead of him as he'll be the sought after free agent in NBA history, maybe even the entire history of sports. Honestly I don't even think Lebron knows where he is going to be playing next season. Whatever happens, he's going to go to a team that's going to compete right away. The Kicks really doesn't make sense unless they bring in another all start. Chicago makes sense to be teamed up with Derick Rose. If I had to guess, I'd say he ends up playing with Cleveland. It's the safest guess of them all but it'll be an interesting process..lots of dirty playing going on in the process of acquiring Lebron James, I guarantee you that.

Yuck, enough talk about the Cleveland Cavaliers. I'm excited for some baseball this weekend. Heading down to tonight's game and Saturday's. GO REDLEGS!

Quote of the blog: "If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."

The Chosen One..SMH. (shaking my head)...

That is the Truth.

1 comment:

  1. SMH at you for actually using SMH in a blog post, not to mention you put SMH then the definition. Thanks for clearing up the meaning of SMH. SHM @ my self for actually typing this out. My rant is over. Peace
