Sunday, July 11, 2010

Standing Ovation.

Hello readers, it has been way too long since I've posted here. For those of you who don't know, summer has been pretty busy. Working, working, and working. I finally had my first day off last week which I simply used to catch up on sleep. Currently I'm interning with the Cincinnati Reds, working at Ramundo's, and managing the snack bar. 60 hour work weeks, standard.

Going to try and give a rundown of my opinions/thoughts on recent events, I'm sure I'll forget something but here it goes.

Helluva run by the United States soccer team, but let's face is something that will never be appreciated here. It seems like every world cup they insist that the United States people are appreciating it more and more, but in reality, we only care about soccer for four weeks every four years.

Lebron, ha. Yeah he swallowed his pride by taking less money and what not but come on bro, really? One hour, prime time special to announce "the decision." I've always respected your game but when's enough, enough? With that being said, have fun winning multiple championships with the Miami Heat.

Same topic. Lebron gave the city of Cleveland hope for seven year. He brought them winning seasons, final runs, MVP's and lot more. What do they do? They turn around and burn his jerseys..say what? How you treat someone that brought you so many thing is mind boggling to me. Now you guys can go back to being the worst sports city ever. Give the man respect, give him a standing ovation, the ovation he deserves when he comes back to your city whenever that may be.

Just got back from Philadelphia where we saw the Reds play the Phillies. Yes we lost both games we attended and lost all four games in the series but it was still a great time. Cool city, stayed downtown and walked everywhere (except the subway to the game.) Great food, definitely gained ten pounds on that trip. Good time away from work and home but I'm glad to be back. First place at the all star break? Wow, gotta love it! I'd love to talk more about the Cincinnati Reds but since I'm an employee I have to watch what I say, I'll leave it at that.

Not a whole lot of plans the rest of the summer besides work. This weekend and upcoming weeks I'll be sure to get out to the Deveroe's summer league. It's where the local basketball players get together and play against each other. It's more 1 v. 1 than college basketball but it's definitely fun thing to check out.

I'll try and post here more often, no promises.

Quote of the blog: "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."

Downtown Philly..

That is the Truth.

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