I've never really been a Lebron James fan, but I've always respected what he had done. What he did tonight to the Chicago Bulls was filthy. One of 23's weaknesses has been his outside shot, he proved that to be a strength tonight.
Nuggets game just got under way. Let's go Nuggets!
The off days for the Reds usually suck for me, nothing to watch at night. For the first time in awhile I'm glad the Reds didn't play today, they needed an off day, badly. Dodgers and Padres this week at home, let's make it a productive home stand please.
Went back to the chiropractor today..good news!! it's not a stress fracture. I still have a strained lower back and it's still shifting to the left but I'm just glad I don't have to get an MRI. Hopefully after a couple rounds of therapy I can get back to running the tennis and basketball courts..not to mention the soccer field.
Quote of the blog: The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Carmelo Anthony..
That is the Truth.
That quote is on my wall, in my room. I'm looking at it right now.