Sunday, April 18, 2010

Took Over.

Carmelo Anthony and the Denver Nuggets looked pretty impressive last night while defeating the Utah Jazz. It was good to see Kenyon back on the court after missing the end of the regular season due to an injury. Great game, Melo and JR Smith just simply took over in the fourth quarter, clutch. The next game is Monday night at 1030, go Nuggets!

What are everyone's thoughts on the Ryan Widmer case? Quick summary of it: Ryan Widmer's wife was found dead after she drowned in a bathtub. He called in the 911 report, seemed upset. Neighbors and company said they always seemed like a happy couple. He was found guilty of murder. There is now a retrial and an expert doctor says that she wasn't forced to drown and it happened on her own. I don't know what happened, I think honestly he is the only one who does. Should be interesting to see the verdict this time around. My guess/gut feeling is guilty.

I went to the chiropractor on Saturday, things aren't too pretty. After a series of questions, tests, and was determined that I have a strained lower back, and my entire back has slowly been shifting sideways/to the left...whatever that means. There is a possibility I have a stress fracture too, I find out tomorrow when I have to go back. No physical activities until everything is figured out and I'm done with therapy. Sigh.

I'm starting a new thing on here, I am going to start placing a 'quote of the blog' at the end. Today's: You can't go back and change what happened in the past, as much as you want to. But you can prevent it from happening in the future.

K-Mart throwing it down..

That is the Truth.

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